Sunday, February 7, 2010


at one point in december we thought that this would be a mild winter. and then one day it started snowing.
then it snowed some more. and some more. and some more.

and. some more.

occasionally we have warmer days that loosen up the solid chunks of ice that line berlin's sidewalks. but then comes another cold snap followed by more snow, transforming the entire city into one giant slip and slide.

i was walking to the ubahn to meet paul at our friend martino's birthday party last night and nearly fell down four times while loaded down with an armload of birthday gifts and kitchenware that i had borrowed for way too long. one thing that may interest our american family and friends reading our blog is that no one (and we mean no one) removes the snow or ice from in front of their property here. some people put rocks or sand in front of their place, but other than the sidewalks of those generous few, berlin will be a skating rink until the spring thaw.

all griping aside, this week marks our one year anniversary of being in berlin. as such, we thought we'd show a few photos from our year.

dancing at the party for the yes meneuropean film premiere at the berlinale, february 2009. (jesi will be covering the 60th annual festival this year beginning on thursday. werner herzog will be jury president!)

odin adjusts to the peculiarities of german cat life.

learning a new language can be difficult. jesi always liked to keep motivating study aids close at hand. this photo shows her favorite: an east german familial scene and heart shaped salami.

this week has had its highs and lows. our year here barely marked a blip on our collective radar because our energy was focused towards paul's stomach flu, the seemingly interminable cold, and jesi's pending application with the de appel curatorial program in amsterdam (she was supposed to hear friday, but the decision has ben postponed until wednesday).
our thoughts and love have also been with paul's grandmother, mabel, who has been ill recently.

spirits lifted last night, however, with a particularly rousing dance party at martino's.

after dancing out our winter funk, we accidentally stole one of the party guests non-alcoholic beer.

jesi really hopes that we haven't knocked the rightful owner off the wagon with this stunt.

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